Friday, March 7, 2008

Command Linux

set IP-forwarding.
- echo 1>proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip forward
set IP
- /sbin/ifconfing eth0 .......(ip gateway) netmask ...... broadcast .......(ip).
set gateway.
- /sbin/route ......(ip) netmask ...... <> ......(gateway) <> dev eth 0.
check status up @ tak
- cat/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.

Linux Router

What u need to have?
- at least 2 ntwk card.
- 2 cross cable(pc ke pc).
- install fedora 8(for configuration).

What u need to do?
- set IP forwarding
- set IP.
- routing+gateway

Proxy server

-> sbg org tengah antara client & server.
-> juga sbg server.
->proxy akan:
- terima request dr client.Cth client request
- hantar request tadi ke server yahoo.
- bila diterima, copy content tadi & simpan diservernya.
- salinan original drp yahoo hantar kepada client.
- hantar salinan yahoo yang disimpan apabila ada permintaan dari lain-lain client.
- tidak perlu lagi minta drp yahoo.
-> proxy juga sbg:
- firewall
- router.
- gateway
- dialup.
-> proxy juga:
- jadi org tngh.
- masuk web yg diblock melalui web application
- web appllication dianggap proxy.
-> Cth proxy server:

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


-> mengawal in &out bound dlm ntwk traffic.
-> inbound & outbound - sbrg apa shj yg masuk keluar dari pc kita.
- berlaku dlm ntwk traffic.
- cth, data-data yang masuk ke pc.
-> bukan antivirus.
-> perlu firewall kat pc utk control sbrg komunikasi antara pc, server & pc lain drp network card.
-> rules:
- allow@ denied
- accept @ reject
- allow @ block

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hack "Hackthissite"

Sy dah try hack satu website "hackthissite". Website nie bagus la untuk sesiapa yg nak belajar cara-cara untuk menjadi seorang hackers. Kira macam nak menguji para hackers semua.
So untuk basic mission ada 10 level.Antara cara-cara yang boleh dilakukan untuk mencuba hack ialah:
Level 1
- view souce code.
- find password.
- copy pwd tue.
Level 2.
- terus submit x perlu taip apa-apa pun.
- kosongkan box pwd tue.
Level 3.
- view source coe.
- cari password.php, copy & paste dkt url, go.
- copy pwd & paste, submit.
Level 4.
- view sourse code, save.......html.
- open & save .......html, find
- tukar kpd email kita, copy & paste dkt url.
- tekan button"send pwd to sam".
- copy pwd, paste & submit.
Level 5.